RULES for Too Tall Toby's Monthly Leaderboard Speedmodeling Challenge (Updated APRIL 5, 2024):
- 1a. Practice as much as you want before recording.
- 1b. The geometry of the final model must be PERFECT. It must be a 1:1 match with the geometry shown on the drawing. However, you do not need to use the exact same dimension scheme or “design intent” that is shown on the drawing. You can use an alternate dimensioning scheme, as long as the resulting geometry remains identical to the geometry from the 2D Print.
- 1c. NO IVAN EXPLOITS on the leaderboard challenges (SEE VIDEO - coming soon)
- 2a. The recording should include 3 things:
- 1. Your 3D CAD software creating the 3 challenge models in order.
- 2. The MASS of each model, clearly visible at the end of each model.
- 3. The OFFICAL CHALLENGE TIMER, clearly visible throughout the recording. PRO TIP – you can hold CTRL+Scroll the mouse wheel to make the clock bigger or smaller.
- 2b. You may use any recording software. If you are looking for a free solution, consider OBS (Open Broadcaster Software) or Davinci Resolve. You may record at any resolution (however, see Section 2e below).
- 2c. Record the entire session (all 3 models) in 1 continuous run, without stopping the recording. You must begin the recording, then press the START button on the TIMER, then begin the first model. You must create all 3 models without stopping the recording. You should stop the recording AFTER the final model has been completed, and the TIMER has stopped.
- 2d. All submitted videos will remain IN SYNC with the OFFICAL CHALLENGE TIMER – videos which are not in sync with the OFFICAL CHALLENGE TIMER due to TIMELAPSE or JUMP CUT EDITS will NOT be approved. Videos which have the TIMER obfuscated in a way that we cannot verify that time is synced will NOT be approved.
- 2e. You must CLEARLY show the MASS of each model, on screen, before pressing “CLICK HERE WHEN FINISHED MODEL” and moving on to the next mode. Be sure to show the correct PRECISION, for models where the question is asking for the mass in 0.XXX lbs, a less precise answer will be rejected, a more precise answer will be accepted. NOTE: Recording at a high resolution (with small text) may make it impossible to verify your MASS, and thus may invalidate your run. Plan accordingly.
- 2f. OPTIONAL – You MAY include music, voice narration and/or video camera footage of your face, keyboard, hands, feet or even your cat! This is optional. Per Section 2a, all that is required is your CAD software, the mass of each model, and the OFFICAL CHALLENGE TIMER. NOTE – Do not edit to include any TIME LAPSES or JUMP CUTs per Section 2d of these rules.
- 3a. For each model, you must create a NEW PART, a NEW PART STUDIO, a NEW DOCUMENT, or the equivalent in your CAD system. You may NOT switch windows to an existing (blank) document. All models must begin as a new part from a clean slate.
- 3b. You may use TEMPLATES and MASS CALCULATORS (or sensors) to help speed up the process of setting your units and materials, and help with calculating the mass of the model. HOWEVER, no pre-created geometric data may exist in these templates. The template should be a blank document representing the standard starting point of a 3D CAD template. Planes and Axis are permitted. Pre-created SOLID geometry is not permitted.
- You must create all the geometry for these models using standard tools. FEATURESCRIPTS, CUSTOM MACROS, and CUSTOM UTILITIES are allowed, as long as they are considered “neutral and universal” utilities for standard 3D CAD model creation (and NOT unique custom macros for this specific leaderboard challenge). For example: A CUSTOM MACRO (or FEATURESCRIPT) which allows users to mirror in multiple directions is allowed, because this tool is universal and could be used in a variety of 3D CAD applications. However, a CUSTOM MACRO which creates the exact counterbore, fillets, and pocket geometry needed for “model 3” would not be allowed, because it was clearly coded specifically for this model, and has no universal application. Again – in summary – you must create all the geometry for these models using standard tools.
- 3d. HOLE CREATION TOOLS like Hole Wizard (in SolidWorks) are allowed.
- 3e. Some programs (like SolidWorks) will “remember” your settings from the previous use of a command. For example: SolidWorks remembers the last settings which were used for HOLE WIZARD. Knowledge of how this works could allow runners to “pre-cook” certain features with the required parameters. This is an exploit which IS ALLOWED for submissions to the Monthly Leaderboard Challenges. If you can figure out how to make this work for you, in your program – GO FOR IT!
- 4a. By submitting your video to this contest, you grant TooTallToby and team the right to use the video footage of your submission for any marketing/promotional purposes without limitation.
- - POST THE RECORDING OF YOUR SPEEDRUN on a publicly accessible platform such as: Youtube, Reddit, Linkedin, Google Drive, Dropbox, Twitter, etc...
- - Goto www.TooTallToby.com and LOGIN.
- - Choose your name in the upper left corner, and select EDIT PROFILE from the flyout menu.
- - Examine the section for MONTHLY LEADERBOARDS. All of your submitted Monthly Leaderboard Challenge speedmodeling runs will be listed here.
- - Paste a link to the video URL into the corresponding section, and SAVE CHANGES on your profile.
- 4c. Examine the leaderboard at www.TooTallToby.com/leaderboard. When your video is approved, your CAD SYSTEM icon will appear.
- 4d. You may continue submitting speedruns to attempt to get better and better times. Your fastest time will be considered your official submission. All slower times will be deleted from the leaderboard.
- 4e. You may submit using different CAD SYSTEMS. Similar to Section 4d, your fastest time (per CAD SYSTEM) will be your official time, and all other times will be deleted. This means one user could potentially hold 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place on the same leaderboard, if that user was a WIZARD in 3 different CAD systems.
- 4f. All submissions must be logged on the leaderboard by MIDNIGHT on the final day of the month.
- 4g. Unless specifically declared otherwise, Monthly Leaderboard Speedmodeling Challenges will not have a prize, aside from bragging rights.
- 4h. Any questions will be answered by TooTallToby and team via the CONTACT form at www.TooTallToby.com.
- 4i. TooTallToby and Team’s Discretion:
- Any unusual circumstances or situations not described above will be resolved at the discretion of TooTallToby and team. TooTallToby and team will retain full discretion regarding a resolution. This includes, but is not limited to, the following circumstances:
- – TooTallToby experiences a network or computer failure which causes a delay in approving speedruns or responding to questions.
- – A 2D print used in the speedmodeling challenge contains a mistake (possibly a missing dimension, incorrect density specification, or an incorrect mass on Toby’s answer sheet).
- – A participant is suspected of using Macros to manipulate their time in some way.
- For these and/or any other unforeseen challenges, TooTallToby and team will do their best to uphold the integrity and spirit of the leaderboard challenges, and will be as transparent as possible regarding their decision making process.
- Any unusual circumstances or situations not described above will be resolved at the discretion of TooTallToby and team. TooTallToby and team will retain full discretion regarding a resolution. This includes, but is not limited to, the following circumstances:
Good luck!